This image show a window care glass, The glass reflected the objects such as cars, Bridges and plants on the glass it self it's quit beautiful image also I captured this image on front my collage, south & city collage it's nice view's photo. It's left side of the car.
This photo the same on the above image It's reflection image ,but the side of the photo shows right side of the car also it reflected the body of the car .the bridges and build of the south & city collage Birmingham
This It's me, I captured this image by my self, It's showing an image reflected informant me there was a mirror it's reflected my image or give back or showing my image I represent to how can act of reflection image . I usually see a mirror image of myself .In contrast ,If you look at a normal camera photo ,you see yourself as another person would see you ,It is not a mirror image.
This image show a Reflection images I capture this image from the street around South & city I college , A mirror image is reflected duplication of object that appears almost identical, but is reversed in the direction perpendicular to the mirror surface .As an optical effect it results from reflection off of substances such as a mirror or water.
This image refection of water show a different colour red, green and mixed colour it's beautiful image specially the water reflection of the build change the water colour to green, red and mixed colour it's amazing photo, I hope you would like my photo enjoy keep watching to my work .
This photo show the reflection of build in a side the phone it's amazing photo it reverse the image of the object to the subject acting .The image seems to be as far behind the mirror as the object is in front of it. not only mirror make reflections, however. Most objects reflect some of the light that on them.
Reflective practice has hug benefits in increasing self awareness, which is a key component of emotional intelligence, and in developing a better understanding of others. Reflective practice can also help you to develop creative thinking skills, and encourages active engagement in work processes.
No. a shadow is simply the absence of light when something blocks the light from a source a shadow is cast .A reflection is light bouncing off a surface and if you can see it, into your eyes. The absence of light cannot bounce of a surface, therefore shadows cannot be reflection.
If I reflect on the thing I did right on my successes, that allows me to celebrate every little success .It allows me realize how much I've done right ,the good things I 've done in my life .Without reflection ,it's too easy to forget these things, and focus instead on our failures.
This photo show a framing photo a brig framing the objects such as cars build a road ...etc. Framing can make an image more aesthetically pleasing and keep the viewer's focus on the framing object's. It's beautiful image
In my conclusion I learned about reflection what it look the important to use it such as shearing feeling, observations and ideas about anything regarding the activity ,I enjoyed taking photos using different tecqinqices I work hard to grow my skills .