1,The following images are about the above is It's my a documentary life images at home ,also I captured the photo shoot by myself from my phone, I was a model (s) and a photographer I did it by myself .
2, My collaboration has taken place half on hour probably. I was a ware my self when I was being taken photograph because I live alone I was a model and a producer also my self I decided the location and pose from home additional I need to thanks my tutor for guidance .
3, Consider the lighting in each photograph ,It's has home lighting, a flash or studio equipment been used the normal light from home.
4,Best describe the style of the photography is like snapshot, from my phone mobile , I used it I haven't a camera . I produce a set of images that document the experiences of my self during lockdown .A day in the life of set aside one day I recorded the action feeling and emotions of me I was in lockdown time I feel so alone it's not hard for me but I challenge it all the world are in lockdown time even allot of people they pass away. I feel bad for them life is so hard I know you must be strong and deserve it always you must say thank you god because I 'm still alive .There will come a time when we look back at 2020 and recall the COVID-19 Pandemic. There will be a time whether it is with our children when they are older or perhaps our grandchildren, that they will ask what life looked like at this time. Are we taking advantage of time we have been given? To help you with this important task, I wanted to share five tips for documenting home life during the 2020 pandemic. Because the truth of the matter is that this time is unprecedented . This is our history .
This is our history Documenting it is so vitally important for our families, our own legacy ,and the story of our personal history. Sometimes we become complacent in our documenting I think it is easy to only remember to pick up the phone for the big moments ,However with current gift of time ,It is the perfect opportunity to dig a little deeper . Document this time for me and what it looks like in my life.
I hope it inspirers you in the important work of preserving my memories. for more information follow my link or my website or join me .A series of self portraits documenting the same thing ,The documenting the Every day educational series and lets link arms in preserving my stories .Click here for all of the information.