After opening a photograph in Photoshop , click on image, then Adjustments, then Levels.
A box will appear -this is the levels Histogram. This block shape of mountain -like it shows us how much of the Tone Scale .The taller the mountain peak ,the grater the area of image at that particular tone.
A box will appear - this is the levels Histogram.
The black ‘mountain-like’ areas show how much of the image there is at each tone, going from pure black to pure white of the Tone Scale . The taller the ‘mountain peak’, the greater the area of image at that particular tone.
The lightest areas in the image are here on the tone scale. This is not white but a light
This histogram is for an image of the grey square and shows a peak around the middle of the tone scale because the square consists of just this one tone
In this histogram for a black square, where is all the information on the histogram?
In this histogram for a white square, where is all the image information on the tone scale?
This is the histogram for the striped square. There are peaks for pure black, grey and pure white
This is the histogram for the striped square. There are peaks for pure black, grey and pure white
The histogram has three small triangular mar
kers – one to show where pure black tone is, one in the middle for mid
You can use your mouse to click and ‘grab’ any of the triangular markers to slide it left or right. This will change the appearance of t
You can use your mouse to click and ‘grab’ any of the triangular markers to slide it left or right. This will change the appearance of the image.